Saturday, August 31, 2019

The film ‘Salvador’

The film ‘Salvador’ revolves around the genocide and the grim happenings of the early 1980s in El Salvador, involving the military dictatorship. This Oliver Stone’s, first prominent film has James Woods and James Belushi in the cast, who play an veteran photojournalist Richard Boyle, and a DJ Dr. Rock respectively. The movie portrays the horror unleashed by the right-wing squads through their gorilla warfare. The film has all the ingredients of an adventure film in right proportions. Boyle’s attachment for liquor and drugs leaves him unemployed despite being capable of good work. When things keep going bad for Boyle, he decides to go to El Salvador with his best friend Dr. Rock, for a freelance lucrative work amidst the prevailing turmoil, not realizing what was in store for them. Rock too doesn’t have any DJ assignments. While entering El Salvador, Boyle and Rock happen to witness the execution of a student at the hands of the military, which make them reconsider their decision. They now realize that El Salvador is a more serious and dangerous war, than they were expecting. Boyle learns that the actual situation at hand is much worse than that portrayed in the US press, after he sees a severed ear collection of a right wing military officer. Boyle also recognizes several prominent US military and CIA personnel, with whom he had served in Vietnam, who are now not willing to account for their presence. In El Salvador, Boyle meets Maria with whom he falls in love. He also meets a Newsday reporter John Cassady, and a Catholic nun Cathy Moore. His initial cynicism gives way to heightened passions and anger through his association with Maria and observation of Cathy’s humanitarian efforts. After realizing the devastating situation around him, Boyle becomes determined to change the situation, in the course of which he puts his life to risks. The assassination of Archbishop Romero has been filmed with passion and truth. Clad in white robe, the archbishop is clearly contrasted from the dark brick wall behind him. Giving his sermon, the archbishop accuses Washington of favoring the military dictatorship, and prays to God to end the violence and sufferings. The archbishop is assassinated by someone from the government, which soon has people fleeing for their lives, and the military personnel attacking unarmed people. Boyle ensures that he is available wherever there is any action, be it the military headquarters, the guerrilla camps or even the US embassy (Goodman, 1986). When the Archbishop Romero is assassinated, Boyle is there close to the assassin. The film brings to life, the happenings in El Salvador, through appropriate settings, locations and laudable performances. For instance when Boyle and Cassidy photograph the dead bodies at a dumpsite, El Playon; the dreadful situation is evident from Boyle’s dirty face, a handkerchief around his neck and the terrain they work. In Santa Ana, Cassady takes his last memorable picture. He films a plane flying overhead while the military and guerrillas are fighting. The plane is flying into the town subsequent to the restoration of military aid by the US. Cassady meets his end while taking the shot exposing American assistance to the government. Cassady had always believed that one has to go closer to get the truth, however if it’s too close, you die. Boyle promises the dying Cassady that he will take his all important photos out of El Salvador. The death of Cassady reminds viewers of the real photographer John Hoagland of Newsweek who died in action while in El Salvador (McClennen, 2007). The settings used in the film are very realistic, integrating the prevailing poverty and terrain with the existing turmoil. Although the movie is claimed to be a true story, not all events shown can be corroborated or verified from records. Neither can they be easily dismissed as having been added to heighten the sentiments of the viewers. However the film makers have taken pains to acknowledge variations whenever adopted, like the scene in which Boyle and Maria are caught at the border. The production of the movie was itself plagued by several adversities. The film is a heart touching one, the effects of which would be with the viewer for a long time, after viewing it. REFERENCES McClennen S., (2007) Salvador Section 3: Media analysis. [Electronic Version] Downloaded on 16th September 2008 from Goodman W (1986) Screen: ‘Salvador’ by Stone. The New York Times. March 5, 1986 [Electronic Version] Downloaded on 16th September 2008 from

Friday, August 30, 2019

Exposing the Mommy Myth: A Book Review

Society has always glorified and celebrated motherhood. It considers it the most difficult yet the noblest of professions. So precious is its position in society that traditions and norms have been set up around it to protect it from the vagaries of change as well as from attempts to transform it to keep it abreast with contemporary ways. In these modern times, motherhood still adheres to a rigid script that is anchored on the theme that a woman’s true essence is to be a mother, and not just any mother, but to become the Perfect Mom. Media and the images of motherhood they produce are at the forefront of this endeavor to promote and protect the ideal of the Perfect Mom. Except that there is no such thing as a Perfect Mom. Media are doing a disservice to women of all ages by passing off these images as the standard they must aspire for to be considered successful mothers so they can achieve fulfillment and contentment in life. â€Å"New Momism† The book The Mommy Myth: The Idealization of Motherhood and How It Has Undermined Women by Susan J. Douglas and Meredith W. Michaels is one work that presents a witty yet scholarly critique of media’s romanticized images of motherhood and how they misrepresent the realities confronting mothers. The authors framed their arguments on what they called the â€Å"new momism† which they defined as a â€Å"set of ideals, norms and practices most frequently and powerfully represented in the media that seem on the surface to celebrate motherhood, but which in reality promulgate standards of perfection that are beyond your reach.† The term â€Å"momism† was coined by journalist Philip Wylie in 1942 for his book Generation of Vipers. He used the term to denounce the way American mothers were raising their sons to be mama’s boys who were incapable of fighting for their country. The authors’ decision to reclaim momism and redefine it was a deliberate attempt to show that nothing much has changed since those war years of the early 1940s with regard to society’s expectation of motherhood: it is the mother who is largely responsible whether the child will grow up into a successful, stable, and happy person or not. And media made sure to instill this in her psyche. This is how the authors described what mothers internalize when they read magazines, watch TV, or see a movie: Mothers are subject to an onslaught of beatific imagery, romantic fantasies, self-righteous sermons, psychological warnings, terrifying movies about losing their children, even more terrifying news stories about abducted and abused children, and totally unrealistic advice about how to be the most perfect and revered mom in the neighborhood. (2) The authors further wrote: No wonder 81 percent of women in a recent poll said it’s harder to be a mother now than it was 20 or 30 years ago, and 56 percent felt mothers were doing a worse job today than mothers back then. Even mothers who deliberately avoid TV and magazines, or who pride themselves in seeing through them, have trouble escaping the standards of perfection, and the sense of threat, that the media ceaselessly atomize the air we breathe. (2) It is ironic that the authors started their examination of media messages about mothers during the 1970s, that exciting period in the feminist movement when women were beginning to find their voices and question, even break free from the traditional gender roles that had been assigned to them. Motherhood did not escape their scrutiny and it was one of the topics discussed and debated on during consciousness-raising sessions. They were also beginning to realize that motherhood was not a woman’s destiny and there were choices available for her. Women could choose whether they become mothers or not. And if they chose to be mothers, they could choose to stay at home to raise their children or work outside the home, maybe even pursue a career. Which was what a significant number of them did, giving rise to a phenomenon that may have, in all probability, resulted in the new momism. And why not, motherhood was under threat, especially from feminism, and it had to be protected at all cost. For the authors,   â€Å"(w)hether you are a married religious fundamentalist, a partnered lesbian, a divorced secular humanist with a Ph.D., or a single twenty-year-old trying to make it in the big city, if you are a female human, the new momism has circled the wagons around you.† The book laid out a historical account of how the new momism manifested itself during the last decades of the 20th century and the contradictory messages they send out to women. It juxtaposed mothering guided by famous pediatricians, through regular media exposure, and childrearing advice columns against the emerging feminist thinking on the political characteristic of motherhood during the ‘70s. It discussed how in the ‘80s, media reports of child molestation, abductions and other external threats against children presented working mothers with a dilemma of whether to entrust their children to others while they were out working. But it was also during the same period that media intensified its message that mothers can have both a satisfying career and a stable family life. In the ‘90s, it is the turn of the celebrity moms, who made ordinary women insecure and less confident of their motherhood skills, and the criminal and welfare mothers to be under media attention. The so-called mommy wars were also being fought, supposed conflicts that pitted working mothers against stay-at-home moms. The authors, in dissecting coverage of issues facing motherhood, were able to show the evolving, and at times opposing, images of mothers in media and how they were deeply influenced by new momism. Most of the time, the authors constantly referred to popular culture to illustrate their analysis. This, plus their smart-ass style of writing, may have given some readers cause to think of their work as less than scholarly. Still, their analysis was incisive enough and ably supported by well-documented examples to be dismissed as anything but presenting a legitimate issue about the myths of motherhood. Reclaiming Motherhood It cannot be denied that in this time and age, media still fail to portray a balanced picture of women’s diverse lives, choosing instead to present images and messages that reinforce traditional gender roles that are very limiting. Motherhood is not exempt from this. As the authors argued in their book, media have systematically presented an idealized, and therefore, unrealistic picture of it. Media’s core message is that women are destined to have children. Their primary role in life is to be mothers who must care for them and raise them to be successful, stable, happy persons. Their own fulfillment is anchored on this. No wonder then that mothers who feel differently are assailed by guilt and a sense of failure for wanting to be more than mothers. These feelings become especially intense for working mothers who opt to leave their children in the care of others while they take on work outside the home or pursue a career. As long as mothers are in this situation, they will forever be torn between two opposing forces, juggling one set of responsibilities at the expense of the other, and struggling to meet the expectations of new momism just because these are basically society’s expectations of them as well. New momism’s supposed aim is to promote the interests of children. But as the authors pointed out, this can very well be just rhetoric, considering how public policies have fallen short in supporting mothers perform their childrearing roles. The fallout from this is consequently borne by the children. In today’s struggle for survival, a two-income family is getting to be the norm. While most mothers may prefer to be stay-at-home moms, more and more of them take on employment outside the house because of economic necessity. It will be a validation for working mothers and how they are valued by society if they can be provided with affordable and accessible day care services and welfare benefits. Or their employment terms can be negotiated in such a way that they can work flexible hours or avail of parental leaves for family emergency. Unfortunately, providing support and benefits to working mothers are not high on the agenda of government and business. There have been instances when government has slashed funding for initiatives that respond to the needs of working mothers. Business, on the other hand, prioritizes profit first before benefits for working mothers. So much for the exalted and celebrated status of mothers, particularly of working mothers. Faced with this, is it correct then to say that motherhood as practiced by them should be less valued since they do not meet the expecations of new momism? Not so, according to the authors. They argued that mothers would be better served by reclaiming motherhood and redefining it in such a way that it would encompass shared parenting as well as support and welfare benefits for their childrearing responsibilities. At the top of the agenda to accomplish this is to acknowledge new momism for being the unrealistic ideal that it is and to stand firm against it. Motherhood can never be perfect. All that a mother can do is to try and do her best. To constantly aim for perfection is a futile and self-defeating exercise. The authors have succeeded in debunking the merit of new momism. And they did this with cutting wit and a scathing sense of humor as only two mothers who are fully convinced of their arguments can do. Their style may not work for some readers but there is no denying the fact that they are able to expose some three-decades worth of fallacious thinking and belief that is the myth of motherhood. Work Cited Douglas, Susan J. and Meredith W. Michaels. The Mommy Myth: The Idealization of Motherhood and How It Has Undermined Women. New York: Free Press, 2004.                                    

Thursday, August 29, 2019

An Overview of the Sport, Volleyball, Its History, Rules and Regulations, and Famous Volleyball Players

An Overview of the Sport, Volleyball, Its History, Rules and Regulations, and Famous Volleyball Players Volleyball is a fast-paced game in which two teams are separated by a net and compete to volley the ball over the net in an attempt to make the opposing team drop the ball on their side. Volleyball was originally called mintonette and was invented in 1895 by William G. Morgan. The game was designed to be a combination of tennis, basketball, baseball and handball. The first volleyball net was actually a tennis net and was only 6’6† high. Morgan originally explained that the object of the game was to keep the ball in movement over a net. There were originally no restrictions on the number of contacts for teams or individual players, no limit to the number of players per side, and no rotation. Since then, volleyball remained mainly unchanged, until 1912, when the first major rules were implemented. The rules were that the number of players on each side was six and that the team was required to rotate positions before serving. By 1920, the game had many more rules implemented, such as the net was raised to eight feet, and the ball could not come to rest in the hands. Volleyball was originally created to be a calm pastime, but has evolved into a sport that is played all over the world by all kinds of people everywhere like in the Olympics, in the park, at the beach, in gym classes and more. Volleyball has many many different rules and regulations. The rules and regulations of volleyball have evolved a lot throughout the years. The rules of volleyball are not difficult to understand, and depending on the level of competition, they can differ. The main objective of the game is to not let the ball hit the floor on your side of the net, at the same time, you must try to get the ball to hit the floor on your opponent’s side of the net. There is a maximum of three contacts per team before they hit it over the net. The three preferred hits are a bump, followed by a set, and then an attack, which will send the ball over the net. Players are also allowed to block the ball as it comes over the net. Blocking does not count as one of the three contacts. Each side must have six players to fill the six different positions that rotated between during the game. The players must rotate clockwise through each position. Players rotate with each new server. The six positions that are rotated through are the left, middle and right front, and the left, middle and right back. The server is in the back right. The scoring method that is used in volleyball is known as â€Å"the rally point system†. The point is gained at the end of the rally when the ball is dropped and the side where the ball has not been dropped gains the point. There are many well known volleyball players. Most famous volleyball players have played in the olympics. One well-known player in the U.S. is Misty May-Treanor, a professional beach volleyball player. She has three olympic gold medals, and has been playing beach volleyball since she was a child. She started her professional career in 1999. Another well-known U.S. player is Karch Kiraly, who is also a professional beach volleyball player and plays indoor volleyball. He won three olympic gold medals, two in indoor and one in beach. Another player in the U.S is Kerri Walsh Jennings. She won three olympic gold medals with Misty May-Treanor in beach volleyball. Walsh Jennings also played indoor volleyball.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Whole Food Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Whole Food Market - Essay Example Whole Food Market has developed an innovation strategy of its kind that would suit its organic business model. Firstly, they integrated the differentiation strategy whereby they provide their customers services they cannot find anywhere else so as to maintain a loyal customer basis. On the contrary, the supermarket was the first to dump use of plastic bags so as to conserve the environment. Furthermore, its social dimension towards its value proposal in engaging in wind energy practices; an environmental friendly approach is part of its innovation strategy. Moreover, in order to satisfy their organic goal, they have also expanded their business to developing their own line of sea food and an animal welfare system and more so boosting new and creative animal production practices. Therefore, putting these factors in mind, it is clear that the organization has justified its organic practices.The environment that Whole Food Market operates in is full of potential. The external threats ar e competition from fast food companies as well as other green companies. However, its differentiation strategy has worked out in terms of beating rival companies. On the other hand, the supermarket realizes the environmental challenges, hence its approach to renewable energy and elimination of plastic. Such corporate responsibilities have enhanced favor to the supermarket from its green customers. Another environemental principle is always being ahead producing high quality products as well as realizing and utilizing opportunities.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Primate communication and language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Primate communication and language - Essay Example One research shows one primate seeking the help of another primate to increase the communicating primate’s groom activities. The young primate gives a happy inviting sound to other young primates to play among the trees. One research shows the playing young primate raise their arms to indicate they want to play with the other nearby young primates (Pika 41). The research shows one playful chimpanzee poked the other young primate. The poking was a clear signal that the poking chimpanzee was inviting another chimpanzee to play. The communication language helps the nonhuman primates adapt to different environments. In the caring for the young environment, the researchers observed that the mother apes communicated by nodding their heads, similar to human nodding of heads to say no. The primate mother nods to stop their babies from playing with their food. The water seems to persuade the baby to eat the food. When the mother ape was climbing a tree with her baby hanging to her back for safety, the mother used this environment to shake her head as she looks at her baby. She communicates to the baby to stop her from climbing the tree. The mother fears that the baby may fall from the tree and crash down to her death. In another Arnhem Zoo research, the ape researcher observed during a close family get together environment that the mother shook her head. The mother is communicating to her baby not to approach a mad or bad mood male chimpanzee. The mother fears that the male chimpanzee may physically hurt the baby during times of anger, stress, or in a bad mood (Boos 278). The male chimpanzee may bring out his anger on the innocent and knowledge-wanting baby chimpanzee. During the environment of mating, the male gorillas hoot to make love overtures to their female gorilla members. The apes howl their message across to their group members. In another 2007 nonhuman primate survival research, the researchers observed that the young chimpanzee asked for food

Monday, August 26, 2019

Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Film - Essay Example She’s an elegant and beautiful girl but with a tomboy attitude and dress sense as a result of being brought up by her father and older brother, after her mother died giving birth to her. She’s frequently seen dressed in Samurai warrior attire and rarely if ever in the traditional woman’s kimono dress. Despite some of her stronger and feistier attributes, however, she is nonetheless gentle, kind and honest. The Empress is really the antagonist here although at first it seems like it may be her son, Emperor Wu. She is a strong leader and comes across at first as wise yet firm. However, despite her soft spot for her son, the Empress Shuang is hard and cruel. She is ruled by ancient social traditions and beliefs and any sign of kindness is swamped by this. Again, she is an elegant woman but her fury makes her appear ugly and After a change in the plot the protagonist has to make a new decision to achieve the goal and restore the world to some form of balance (Aside from the new relationship she has with Emperor Wu, Jiao mission is still important. However, Jiao’s heritage is discovered but her secret mission remains secret. She now must carry out an alternative plan in order to complete the mission she’s been assigned to). The year is 202 BC. Dwelling in rural China is a flourishing tribe derived from the Manchu. They are a self sufficient community that focus their efforts on farming and martial arts and traditions. They dress in traditional clothing rich in texture and colour and each and every citizen of the tribe dedicated their lives to maintaining the prosperity and ongoing happiness of the tribe. They are led by a man named Delun. He is a wise man with a greatest devotion and commitment to his people. Over the past few years Delun had led his tribe through the unification of Middle China and into the Han Dynasty with reasonable success. But now China was approaching a time where Delun

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Journal assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Journal assignment - Essay Example Theft of cleaner from the custodian’s cart, leading to a 911 call and posion control situation, was a difficult experience to manage. The group meetings were more controlled than the different interventions with the patients, as the nurse maintained direction and had personal experience with those who exhibited inappropriate behaviors. She understood the dynamics of paranoid schizophrenia and the sometimes distorted commentaries that come along with it. The moderating nurse was a proverbial breath of fresh air. Group meetings were concentrating attention on the patients which seemed to satisfy their needs, or perhaps it was out of long-standing respect for the nurse that they maintained control. I was changed personally not only in my sudden (and not pre-existing) apprehension around being near disturbed patients, but in how I view society and its diversity. In some households, these behaviors might be considered interesting or spontaneous, however in the clinical environment it was not an inviting experience. I have developed, in a small degree, much less trust for individuals after seeing this unusual social behavior. Though I recognize these problems are inherent and out of the patients’ control, to see such reckless behavior as the self-poisoning scenario made me realize why quality nurses are needed. My overall view of mental health is virtually unchanged. I realized that individuals with behavioral problems can be controlled if they have concentrated support and attention. Control was something desperately needed in this clinical environment. Elements of this rotation that could be considered reliable included memory game and trivia play in order to spark interest and maintain a decorum. Anytime that mental health patients had attention focused directly on them, they seemed to be more docile and rational. In a future role, I would take these lessons and attempt to model them for an informal research study in terms of sustaining positive control

Jean Racine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Jean Racine - Essay Example An interesting case in this point can be round in Racine's preface to Phedre. The seventeenth-century reader would likely have been surprised to find there no mention of pardon, whose parasitic rival version of the same story set off an unusually venomous battle. (Bold, 2001) According to Bold "Racine's own creation is modestly represented, as a carefully charted divergence from the Eurpidean 'Route' to which Racine remains richly indebted, serving 'Phedre' as an exemplary character". "The litotes of this opening, which might be read as a ritual gesture of authorial self-effacement, conceals in fact a far more complex irony in as much as it erases more than we at first think more, that is, than the simple vanity of a purely original creation, an inventio ex nihilo. One is, upon reflection, struck by a number of things in this apparently modest statement. This is certainly one of the very few places where one can find the character of Phedre described, at whatever level, as reasonable. It has also been fairly argued that Euripides's tragedy Hippolytus given the play's title and the stepmother's early guilt-ridden suicide is not really about Phedre anyway. More importantly, as it implies only a difference between the Latin and the French versions, Racine's dismissive reference identifies the Senecan text as the site of corruption and consequently, as an alibi for his own text's purer origins". (Bold, 2001) 'Phedre' the entire play revolves around the concept of 'monster'. To how much the statement is true can be determined from the fact that 'Phedre' represents the corruption and evil enriched in the social attitude of French culture of the then seventeenth century. Racine wanted the society to confront to the social dilemmas so it seems as if he has shown the French society, a mirror so that they might acknowledge their reality in the form of corruption and vulgarity. The main monster according to my perception is the evil that resides deep within a human, now it depends upon the person as to whether he feeds and nourishes that evil so that the evil grows up to become a 'monster' or he remains callous towards the evil, so that eventually he is alleviated. Let us see and examine every central character of 'Phedre' in the light of 'monstrous' appeal. 'Hippolytus' in other monsters Though Hippolytus is unmonstrous as compared to other characters in 'Phedre', but he fails to succeed through the rein of monstrous characters. One reason might be the strength of his inner self and conscience, which escorted him to remain aloof from participating in the devilish works of 'Phedre'. His reason for being morally ethical is the true love of 'Aricia', which lead him towards the light instead of thrusting into the darkness of horror which otherwise would have transformed him into the monster. He is the only character perceived to be 'human' as he knows the morals of relations, and unlike other characters in 'Phedre' he has trained his ego towards goodness and moral values. The reason for other

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Marketing research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing - Research Proposal Example As an organization that targets products and services regular research is always necessary (Zeithami et al 1990, p. 53). The research will inform of the interests of customers and the situation within the relevant market (McQuarrie 2006, p. ix). With the decline in sales, market research is particularly important as there is uncertainty relative to the market situation and customer interests and habits increases (McQuarrie 2006, p. ix). Market research will determine the utility of introducing new products or for changing existing products or services so that they correspond with customer trends, interests and preferences (Bartels et al 2002, p. 285). Stephen’s management will have to make a research design that corresponds with budget and within their restrictions (Avasarikar et al 2007, p. 2.24). It will be necessary to negotiate for a practical budget in advance of the marketing research. However, the research problem must be unambiguously identified before negotiating for a workable budget. When the research problem is defined clearly, researchers, management and marketing consultants can more clearly define and assign roles prior to the start of research and this will reduce the obstacles implicit in conflicting goals, strategies and approaches relative to the research (Avasarikar et al 2007, p. 2.24).